Sunday, October 26, 2014

Open Learning in K-12 Lit Review

After finding information regarding Open Learning in K-12, with Lee's help, Thank you! I have started to notice that a lot of the information is the same. Open Learning is a new concept only 4 -5 years old. It's a MOOC (A Massive Open Online Courses). It can be private to only access with a password or it is opened to everyone. It is not a credit course as of yet, students receive a grade and feel accomplished for learning information about certain topics. Students enjoy MOOC's they are able to collaborate, learn in a social environment and not in a classroom, create blogs, videos and learn from one another. It's also a great way to integrate digital literacy into a classroom.

Roberts, V. (2014). What Can K-12 Learn from MOOCs?  Retrieved from
This is an article that Verena Roberts wrote about what K -12 can learn from Moocs. It explains how MOOCS are an open learning environment. Letting others collaborate with each other, learn from each other and not attend a lecture class. It’s an opportunity for everyone to learn from each other and share resources with each other. Roberts explains “What K12 can learn from MOOCs isn’t simply that a large number of people can move through courses simultaneously. Rather, the lessons involve building and supporting online learning networks.”

Wilcoxon, K. (2011). Building an Online Learning Community.   Learning Solutions Magazine. Retrieved from
This article explains the three elements to building a learning environment. The three elements are teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence. What is the climate setting for the learning, how do participants identify with the group, communicate in a trusting environment and develop social relationships. The last element is how learning is confirmed.  It’s important to remember online learning environment is direct toward learning in a social environment not socializing.

Fasimpaur, K. (2013). Massive open online courses (MOOCs), which are already changing the face of higher education, are starting to create new opportunities in K–12 retrieved from
MOOCS are primarily used for informal learning. Students can choose what topics to focus on. MOOCS are sometimes only available to students in the course and can access it with a password. Other MOOCS are open to everyone at anytime. It’s a way to learn from others and socialize in a learning environment instead of a classroom. MOOCS are here to stay and continue to grow into bigger and better learning environments. “Learners of all ages could learn together based on individual passions rather than through set institutional norms. Using social media and building networks was the way to engage learners.”

Roberts. V. (2013). Hybrid Pedagogy a digital journal of learning, teaching and technology. MOOCifying K-12: Relationships, Collaboration, Risk-Taking retrieved from

This is an article Roberts wrote about the MOOCS she created with her students. She is a parent who was frustrated by the lack of digital literacy integration in her children’s classrooms.  She created many MOOCS and had the students explain how they wanted to complete the MOOC. All students said, they did not want the MOOC to be a “social network and to stay away from Facebook.” Instead they wanted to create blogs, videos to explain their understanding, collaborate, communicate with each other and learn together. With her K-12 MOOC’S Roberts found that it’s important to “discover the importance of relationships, peer feedback,  modeling, support, scaffolding, collaborations, risk taking and digital identity in open online learning environments.” She also mentioned that students explain the specific “MOOC course/content is not what is important or receiving a badge for completing the work, but the nature of the learning and experience is what keeps the students engaged.”

Hill, P. (2012). Four Barriers That MOOCs Must Overcome to Build a Sustainable Model. E-Literate. Retrieved from
MOOC’s are not a creditable course yet. Students can take them and receive a grade and accomplishment for completing the tasks. This article explains the four barriers that MOOC’s must overcome for future generations to become sustainable.
§  Developing revenue models to make the concept self-sustaining;
  • Delivering valuable signifiers of completion such as credentials, badges or acceptance into accredited programs;
  • Providing an experience and perceived value that enables higher course completion rates (most today have less than 10% of registered students actually completing the course); and
  • Authenticating students in a manner to satisfy accrediting institutions or hiring companies that the student identify is actually known.

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